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The Town of Asolo

The first time I visited Asolo, I was overcome with a profound sense of peace and joy that I hadn’t felt in a long time. There’s something magical about this little town, nestled in the hills, that captivates the soul. The charm of its winding streets, the history etched into every corner, and the breathtaking views from the hilltop cast a spell on all who discover it. It’s a place where time seems to slow down, and you can’t help but feel a connection to the beauty and serenity surrounding you. Everyone who visits Asolo feels this same enchantment—it's a feeling that stays with you long after you’ve left.

Asolo Panorama

For centuries, artists, poets, and writers have been drawn here...many have made it their home. Spend a few nights at the Albergo al Sole, tucked away in the town's little piazza, and you'll start feeling the same way. 

If you are in Venice, and don't have the time to spend a night or two in Asolo, then at least do a day trip here—something like this one.

Let's go and explore...

Entering Asolo: Your Gateway to Serenity

The old town is pretty much car-free, so you'll need to park on the edge of town and walk in. The walk is lovely; all around you are gorgeous vistas of green hills, cypress trees, and rural bliss. Then, as you reach the old town, you will likely pass under this arch and discover that you've stepped into another century. Arcaded walkways lead one along cobbled lanes, and with every turn there is something enchanting awaiting you: views, a piazza, a tiny boutique, or... well, one just never knows what awaits. You will just have to make your own discoveries when you visit.

Town of Asolo entrance
Asolo - road to old town


If you get here at lunch or dinner time, make sure you eat at Al Bacaro, the best place in town to try the delicious local cuisine. I always end up chatting away to the many fascinating locals who eat here, and I've chatted on occasions with people who I later discovered were famous artists, writers, and once a well-known Hollywood actor—at least well known to everyone but me.

Next door is the Robert Browning Gallery dedicated to the poet who loved Asolo.

Al Bacaro RestaurantAl Bacaro Restaurant

The road the Al Bacaro is on is full of flowers. the restaurant is located where you see those barrels in the photo.

Flower Boxes


The Asolo Cathedral is one of the main historical sights in the town, with parts of its structure dating back to the 10th century. This stunning cathedral blends centuries of architectural evolution, from its Romanesque roots to later Renaissance touches. Inside, you’ll find beautiful frescoes, intricate artwork, and sacred relics that reflect the deep spiritual and cultural history of Asolo.

Asolo Cathedral

The Piazza and Nearby

Piazza Asolo
Near the Piazza
Old Bike Asolo

The Villas and the Queen's Castle

As you leave the piazza, you'll first encounter the stunning 13th-century castle of Queen Cornaro. This remarkable structure once belonged to Queen Cornaro, the last queen of Cyprus. After the island fell under Venetian control, she found herself exiled to the charming town of Asolo. Honestly, I can’t think of a more beautiful place to be exiled—if they ever decide to exile someone here again, I’d gladly accept the invitation!

Castle of Queen Cornaro

As you make your way out of town, you’ll begin to encounter the stunning villas that date back to the 16th century, each one steeped in history and architectural beauty. Among these, the Villa Contarini, also known as the Armenian Villa, stands out as the most renowned, captivating visitors with its elegant design and rich heritage. However, my personal favorite is the wonderfully quirky Longobard Villa. This charming structure is adorned with a dozen whimsical caricature faces that seem to come alive, adding a playful touch to its facade.

View of the Armenian VillaView of the Armenian Villa
Longobardo HouseLongobard House
Longobard House & GardenLongobard House & Garden

The Road to the Fortress

Walk back into town, passing the old and abandoned Carabinieri (police) building, which is slowly being covered by ivy. Once in town, you'll come across the main piazza again and then begin your climb up to the fortress.

Carabinieri BuildingOld Carabinieri Building

Now we start heading up the hill...

Road to the Castle Tower
Street to the Castle
Lane in Asolo

After wandering down the charming lane with those pretty little cottages you see in the photos above, you'll come across the lovely old monastery built in the 16th century. Nowadays, it’s home to a university with an MBA program, combining history with some serious learning! Before tackling the 300 steps up to the fortress, make sure to fill your water bottle at the drinking fountain nearby. You’ll want to stay hydrated for the walk to the top!

In Asolo, Italy
Old Town Walls - AsoloThe Old Town Wall

The views on the way up are gorgeous...

Views of Asolo
Road to the Fortress

The castle tower and fortress are very imposing, with walls 50 feet high and nearly 14 feet wide. It was apparently built in the 12th century, but its origins are still shrouded in mystery. The views from up here are spectacular—on a clear day, you can see all the way to Venice!

Asolo FortressAsolo Fortress

I hope you enjoyed exploring Asolo, and perhaps I'll see you here next summer. For more on Asolo, click here.



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